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Research Integrity

Our research strategy identifies cross-institute strengths and creates new research clusters in addition to enhancing those which already exist.

Statement on Research Integrity

The School recognises that its academic staff are respected scholars who need to be working at the cutting edge of research in their chosen fields. Through their personal engagement in research, they are better able to identify and nurture important developments in those areas, contributing to the role of the School in promoting new research agendas.

We have been highly successful in attracting external funding from research councils and a variety of public and private bodies, and we intend to continue this by developing new strategies and collaborations. (SAS Strategic Framework).

The School, under the University of London governance, is committed to carrying out its research within a comprehensive ethical framework. (see UOL Research Ethics Policy). We expect all our researchers, students, fellows and staff to uphold the highest professional standards of research integrity:

  • All researchers are expected to be honest in respect of their own actions in research and in their responses to the actions of other researchers. This applies to the whole range of research, including generating and analysing data, publishing results, and acknowledging the direct and indirect contributions of colleagues. 
  • Plagiarism, deception or the falsification or fabrication of results is regarded as a serious disciplinary offence.
  • All researchers are encouraged to report cases of suspecce in Research at the University of Londonted misconduct and to do so in a responsible and appropriate manner.
  • All researchers must declare any real or potential conflicts of interest before undertaking their research.

See the UOL Code of Good Practice in Research for more details.

The University of London Annual Research Integrity Statements are available.