Registration and Induction
Registration is the official process for enrolling as a student on your chosen programme of study.
Information on this webpage is for School of Advanced Study students only.
Registration consists of six steps, all of which must be completed.
• Step One: Complete Online Registration
• Step Two: Email your ID documents
• Step Three: Set up your IT account
• Step Four: Email a photo for your student ID card
• Step Five: Have your ID verified
• Step Six: Collect your student ID card (on-campus study only)
Below you will find guidance on each step of the registration process, which will vary depending on whether you are a new or continuing student.
For students starting their course in September 2024.
All new students
The induction day for all new students (taught and research programmes) will be held in Senate House on Friday 20th September 2024 and will comprise of various presentations to help you get started at SAS. Attendance is compulsory for all new students to the School, except those on the Distance Learning LLM programme.
A separate welcome presentation for International students will be delivered by the School's Admissions Officer on the day. This session is compulsory for International students to attend. A programme for the in-person induction day can be viewed below.
Research students
In addition, there are induction and training days for research students which will be held in Senate House on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th September 2024. In-person attendance is required for all new research students to the School, including those on the Distance Learning MPhil leading to PhD programme. However, the Doctoral Centre can accommodate online attendance for Distance Learning MPhil leading to PhD students where there is good reason for not being able to attend in-person. A programme for the research in-person induction and training days can be viewed below.
For students starting their course in January 2025.
January intake
An induction module and training material will be available via the School's Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Please refer to your registration confirmation email which you'll receive when your online registration has been fully completed.
Registration Steps
All new and continuing students of School of Advanced Study (SAS) are required to register online.
How to register as a new student
Once you have received an offer of a place on your chosen programme and our admissions staff have received and logged your acceptance of that offer, the registry team will send you an email inviting you to register when registration opens. Your invitation will contain a secure link to SAS's Registration Portal where you can log in and complete the online registration tasks.
To log in to the Registration Portal, you must use the same email address and password you used when applying for your programme. If you have forgotten your account details, please go to this page to reset your password using the forgotten password facility. If you need further assistance with logging in to the Registration Portal, please contact
When completing the online registration tasks, you will be asked to:
- Confirm your programme details
- Read and accept SAS’s Privacy Notice and Terms & Conditions
- Confirm your personal details, such as name and date of birth
- Update your contact details, including your address
- Complete the Emergency Contact and Equal Opportunities form
- Confirm your previous study
- Select the modules you intend to study in terms 1, 2 and 3 of the academic year you're registering for (Postgraduate Taught students only)
- Pay your tuition fees
You can find more information on tuition fees by heading to our Tuition Fees webpage.
Once your online registration tasks are completed, you will receive a registration confirmation email containing instructions on what to do next.
How to register as a continuing student
Continuing students must register for each academic year in which they study at SAS, this includes any writing-up year. You are a continuing student if you have already fully completed registration in a previous academic year. The registry team will send you an email inviting you to register when registration opens. Your invitation will contain a secure link to SAS's Registration Portal where you can log in and complete the online registration tasks.
To log in to the Registration Portal you must use your university VLE username in the format forename.surname and your password. If you have forgotten your account details or need assistance with logging in to the Registration Portal, please contact the IT Service Desk at (you will not be able to use the 'Forgotten your password?' option displayed on the login screen).
When completing the online registration tasks, you will be asked to:
- Confirm your programme details
- Read and accept SAS’s Privacy Notice and Terms & Conditions
- Confirm your personal details, such as name and date of birth
- Update your contact details, including your address
- Complete the Emergency Contact and Equal Opportunities form
- Select the modules you intend to study in terms 1, 2 and 3 of the academic year you're registering for (Postgraduate Taught students only)
- Pay your tuition fees
You can find more information on tuition fees by heading to our Tuition Fees webpage.
Once your online registration tasks are completed, you will receive a registration confirmation email containing instructions on what to do next.
Please note: You will not be able to register online for your programme until you have received an email from the registry team inviting you to do so.
Once you have completed the online registration tasks, you will need to provide us with a valid copy of formal photographic identification. Please email your photo ID document(s) to
What do you need to provide?
- A high-quality scan or photo of an original photo ID – acceptable forms of identification include a passport and driving licence.
- It is essential that Visa National students email their passports, E-visas and/or Biometric Residence Permits.
- EEA Nationals whose university sponsored Student Visas are electronic need to provide a Share Code before booking a Virtual Drop-in Registration Session. This can be done by emailing the code to A share code can be generated here:
- Students who have been granted Pre-Settled or Settled status under the EUSS (EU Settlement Scheme) who have already provided a Share Code to the School do not need to provide it again.
Please note: This step is only applicable if you are a new student. However, continuing students will be contacted separately to carry out this step if the original photo ID has expired.
During completion of the online registration tasks, you will be sent instructions on how to set up your IT account. You will be sent details of your student account (login name, e-mail address, initial password), then you will be required to log in to your IT account using the following format:
Password: provided during registration (case-sensitive)
When setting up your account for the first time you will be required to use multi-factor authentication (MFA). For more information on the set up process, please visit our page on Setting up your IT account.
Completion of this step will allow access to all of School of Advanced Study’s online services, including the Library, Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and your SAS email.
Please note: This step is only applicable to new students.
You will also need to send us a JPEG photo so we can process your student ID card. Please attach a photo, quote your student number and full name in the body of the email and send this to
The Registry team will inform you once your card is ready to be collected.
Please note: You will only need to complete this step once, when registering as a new student.
Once you have sent us a copy of your photo ID, you will need to book a Virtual Drop-in Registration Session with a member of the Registry team so your identity can be verified. The appointment will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams. You can book this appointment using the link below:
Virtual Drop-in Registration Session
Your device’s camera must be enabled so we can see you on screen and you must have the same form of photo ID that you previously emailed to us with you when you attend the appointment.
Please note: The Registry team cannot carry out a drop-in registration session until you have fully completed your online registration. This step is only applicable to new students. However, continuing students will be contacted separately to carry out this step if the original photo ID has expired.
You can collect your student ID card from the Registry Office which is located on the second floor of Stewart House (adjacent to Senate House). A member of the Registry team will notify you once your card is ready for collection. If you would like your card to be posted, please request this by sending an email to
If you are studying by distance learning, a scanned copy of your student card will be emailed to you. If you would like to receive a physical copy of your card, please request this by sending an email to
Help and Support
The School's IT support teams are available to assist you with IT-related queries.
If you are registering as a new student and need login assistance, please contact .
If you are registering as a continuing student and need login assistance, please contact
The SAS Fees Office is available to assist you with tuition fee queries. Please contact the SAS Fees Office at
You can find out how to pay your tuition fees by visiting our Tuition Fees webpage.
Registration opens in mid-August for the September intake and mid-December for the January intake, so you should expect to receive your invitation to register around this time depending on your intake.
Registration typically remains open for a period of 4-5 weeks. However, your registration invitation will confirm the deadline by which you need to register. We encourage you to register early so that any issues can be resolved before the registration deadline.
You must complete the online registration tasks via the registration portal. If you have forgotten your login details, our IT teams can assist you. The Registry team are unable to resolve login issues, so please do contact the relevant IT support team.
If you are registering as a new student and have forgotten your account details or your account is locked, please visit this page to reset your password using the forgotten password facility. If you need further assistance, please contact
If you are registering as a continuing student and have forgotten your account details or your account is locked, please contact for assistance (you will not be able to use the 'Forgotten your password?' option displayed on the login screen).
Yes, continuing students must complete registration if they are continuing or completing study in a new academic year, this includes any writing-up year.
A writing-up year is additional time needed to complete your programme which falls outside your final year of study, this could be due to an assignment extension or mitigating circumstances request and must be approved by your programme team.
A fee is set at a lower rate for the writing-up period:
£450 for MA /MRes/LLM students
£900 for PhD students
This depends on when you are returning from your interruption.
If you take an interruption of study and return from that interruption in the same academic year, you won't be required to register again. Your IT account and student ID card will be deactivated during the interruption period, however you'll still be registered as an interrupted student.
If you take an interruption of study and return from that interruption in a new academic year, you will be required to register for the new academic year.
Study Online is the School's Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and can be accessed via the following link:
Please visit our IT Support webpage for details on how to access the School network.
If you have any questions about accessing the VLE, please contact the Study Online Support Team:
Your student ID card serves as a membership ID card which enables access to Senate House Library (SHL) and the SAS libraries located in the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS), Institute of Historical Research (IHR) and Institute of Classical Studies (ICS).
You will automatically become a member of SHL and have access to the SAS institute libraries once you have registered on your programme and a student ID card has been created for you; this card will be issued by the Registry and Student Services Team. You should use your student ID card to enter the physical libraries and borrow books. The barcode on your ID card is also a SHL membership number and should be used to access SHL eResources. You can sign up for a tour of SHL which includes how to find books, other materials, access their digital resources, connect to WiFi and use the print, copy and scanning machines. Click here for more information.
To access eResources directly from publisher websites, you should use the login or institutional login option. Please access the SAS student eResources guide for more information:
If you require a student letter, e.g. student status, council tax, please submit a letter of request form. The Registry team will only process letters for students who are registered.
Other student forms and documents related to your studies can be found on the SAS website.
Lost ID cards carry a £5 replacement fee and can be purchased through the University's online store.