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Computing, Email and IT Support

All students of the School are provided with a student IT account

Important: Changes to your IT account

Your Account ID and email address have changed and are now

Logon to Microsoft applications (Email, OneDrive, SharePoint sites, etc), OpenAthens eResources and Study Online VLE is now

Your password remains the same, but you will be asked to register for Multi-Factor Authentication again when you logon for the first time using your new account (instructions are available in the FAQ section below). Email to will be automatically forwarded to your email address.

Note: Your username is normally firstname.lastname@ but if you have a shortened version of this, please continue to use the existing format, just remember to use

Please read the following FAQs for more information about these changes.

Account Changes FAQ

Student IT Accounts

All students of the School are provided with a student IT account.

IT Accounts provide access to the following services: 

  • Email: You should check your School email account regularly as academic and administrative staff will use e-mails as the primary mode of contact with you. 
  • Storage: via Microsoft OneDrive. 
  • Microsoft Office Suite: this can be accessed online or downloaded for installation on your personal devices. Please see the Using Office 365 Services guide [PDF}
  • Study Online: the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for SAS. 
  • Wi-Fi access via the Eduroam Service. 
  • Student Records System (SITS). 

Student email addresses usually follow the format:


You will be sent details of your student account (login name, e-mail address, initial password, etc.). Your account can be accessed remotely via Microsoft 365.

To log-in, you will be asked for the following information: 

  • Username: 
  • Password: You will be prompted to change your password during your first login. Please read the instructions below to help you choose your new password.

Setting Up Your Account for the First Time

Accessing your Study Resources

IT Help and Support

The IT and Digital Services Service Desk is the primary point of contact for help with using the IT services. All support requests and enquires should be directed to the ITDS Service Desk.

You can contact the IT Service Desk at to log a call for assistance. Please copy the Registry team in to your email.