Joint UIBK-SAS Fellowship Programme
The Fellowship supports the research and/or teaching stay of an academic staff member at SAS for up to two weeks at the University of Innsbruck and is open to all academic staff with active working contracts in all areas of research.
Upcoming Fellowship Exchange
The financial contribution covered by the Fellowship will be in the form of reimbursement for travel and accommodation only and up to a maximum of 1300€ for the two-week period. (Assistance with finding the accommodation can be provided by the University of Innsbruck.)
Innsbruck has a range of cutting-edge interdisciplinary research centres that align with SAS activities, including;
- Centre for Migration & Globalisation (Prof Erol Yildiz)
- Centre for Cultural Encounters – Cultural Conflicts (Prof Dirk Rupnow)
- Centre for Digital Humanities (Prof Ulrike Tanzer)
- Institute of History and European Ethnology
- Centre for Interdisciplinary Research into Gender (Prof Gundula Ludwig)
- Institute for Classical Philology and Neo-Latin Studies (Prof Martin Korenjak
Find out more about the University of Innsbruck.
Fellowships are expected to be taken up in spring/summer or autumn 2025.
- a) The candidate must have an active employment contract with the institution at the time of their application as well as during the time they plan their fellowship stay.
- b) The candidate must hold a PhD/Doctorate degree at the time of application.
- c) The time of stay in Innsbruck – if at all possible – will be during the regular semester at the university, in order to guarantee visibility and the possibility to contribute to the events programme of the receiving department.
- d) The candidate must identify and make contact with a partnering member of research or teaching staff at Innsbruck. The Innsbruck partner will need to provide a letter of support to be included in the candidate’s application.
- e) All candidates must receive permission from their line manager before making the application.
- f) The candidate should be willing to give a public talk/guest lecture research seminar at the host institution during their stay related to their specialist field of research or expertise or on any other topic, proposed by the candidate.
- g) All Fellows are required to submit a one-page report about their stay no later than two weeks after completion of the stay.
Your application should include:
• a short CV (max. 2 pages)
• a list of major publications (max. 2 pages)
• a 1-2 page outline of the research project you plan to pursue at the partner institution, including the name(s) of colleague(s) at Innsbruck you intend to collaborate with
• a short outline/abstract (max.100 words) and title for a public talk/guest lecture or other academic event
• a statement of support from the researcher(s) you wish to collaborate with in Innsbruck.
Please send your application to by Monday 2nd December 2024. A panel which includes the Vice Dean and a Senior Lecturer of the Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies will be convened.
Priority will be given to candidates who can demonstrate the potential for new and long-lasting cooperation or collaboration at an institutional level.
Past Fellowship Exchanges
Professor Godela Weiss-Sussex and Dr Anita Rotter
Dr Anita Rotter, Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer at the Research Centre for Migration & Globalisation in Innsbruck, joined the ILCS for two weeks in February/March, and in May/June, Godela Weiss-Sussex travelled to Innsbruck for the return visit.
Anita not only enthusiastically joined the SAS community, but also gave an excellent talk on her current research 'Postmigrant Generation: Family Memory and Postmigrant Perspectives on Solidarity’. The lively debate that ensued showed the interesting synergies between Anita’s social sciences approach and ILCS researchers’ work on postmigration, which is based in the literary analysis. Anita also used her time in London very fruitfully by conducting biographical interviews with SAS students, asking them about experiences of migration. She is now working on an article resulting from these interviews. You can visit her blog about her visit here.
Godela’s return visit to Innsbruck was just as successful. She was warmly welcomed by the members of the Research Centre and took part in several events including a personal guided tour around the Brenner Archive, which houses the papers of many Tirolese artists and writers, including Georg Trakl and Ludwig Wittgenstein. At the end of Godela’s stay she presented a paper on Postmigration and literary production, focusing on new narrativisations of the migrant experience and on multilingual writing strategies.
The research collaboration between the Research Centre for Migration & Globalisation in Innsbruck and the ILCS is being continued and deepened. Prof Yildiz, Dean of the Innsbruck Faculty of Education, visited SAS in July and contributed a keynote to the conference ‘Postmigrant Reconfigurations: New Approaches to Contemporary German-language Jewish Cultural Production’. A joint publication ensuing from the conference is now being planned.
For more information please contact Prof. Weiss-Sussex.