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Event - this is a past event

SunoikisisDC: Digital editions of inscriptions and papyri

Event information>


This is a past event
4:00 pm to 5:30 pm

Institute of Classical Studies

Event type

Research Training

Event series

Digital classics


Email only

Speakers: Gabriel Bodard (University of London), Marta Fogagnolo (University of Bologna) 

Sunoikisis Digital Classics session 4

This session introduces semantic text encoding through TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) and EpiDoc XML, a scheme for the digital representation, analysis and publication of epigraphic, papyrological and other ancient texts. We discuss the scholarly value of XML encoding, some of the assumptions behind the TEI and EpiDoc principles, and show a couple of major projects and tools. Students have the opportunity to try out text encoding for themselves, via online tutorials and a suggested exercise. 

Follow live or later at: 

Further information, readings and exercise at:

This page was last updated on 6 December 2024