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Peer Review

Event information>

2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Online - via Zoom


SAS Central

Event type

Research Training

Event series

SAS Research Training


Emma Gallon (University of London Press)


Email only

Session Leaders: Emma Gallon and Amaan Hyder (University of London Press)

This session is aimed at doctoral and early career researchers, and will provide an introduction to the basics of peer review. Covering the role and importance of peer review to research quality, research integrity and researchers’ careers, the session will use practical examples to explain the peer review process for both journal articles and book proposals.  

If you’re looking for guidance on what to expect when getting your publications peer reviewed, or tips on being a peer reviewer yourself, this session will be useful for you. 


All welcome

This event is free to attend, but booking is required. It will be held online with details about how to join the virtual event being circulated via email to registered attendees 24 hours in advance.

This page was last updated on 9 December 2024