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Event - this is a past event

Interviews as a Research Method

Event information>


This is a past event
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm

Online - via Zoom


SAS Central

Event type

Research Training

Event series

SAS Research Training


Naomi Wells


020 7664 4884

Session Leader: Dr Naomi Wells (SAS)

This session provides an introduction to the purpose of and approaches to interviews as a research method. The session will introduce different interview formats, with a particular emphasis on qualitative semi-structured interviews as the approach most often used across the social sciences and the humanities. The session will also provide an opportunity to discuss and share challenges and advice in relation to planning and conducting research interviews, as well as approaches to writing up and analysing interviews in your thesis and/or publications. 

All welcome
This event is free to attend, but booking is required. It will be held online with details about how to join the virtual event being circulated via email to registered attendees 24 hours in advance.


This page was last updated on 9 December 2024