Leeds Environmental Humanities Research Group
The Leeds Environmental Humanities Research Group (envhums.leeds.ac.uk) is a network for environmental approaches to interdisciplinary literary studies. They have been based since 2011 in the School of English at the University of Leeds. They have a long record of collaboration with researchers in other fields at Leeds and beyond; with non-academic partners, particularly in the north of England; and with funding organisations. Their work ranges broadly, with a special emphasis on eighteenth- to nineteenth-century Britain, and on global, postcolonial, and decolonial ecocriticism. They are on Twitter @LeedsEnvHums.
Recent Projects
Major recent projects of Leeds Environmental Humanities have included the Extinction Studies Doctoral Training Programme (https://extinctionstudiesdtp.leeds.ac.uk/); ENHANCE, Europe’s first doctoral training programme in the environmental humanities (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/642935/fr); and Land Lines, on British nature writing since the eighteenth century (https://landlinesproject.wordpress.com/).
The Edinburgh Environmental Humanities Network, the Bath Spa Research Centre for Environmental Humanities, and Essex Environmental Arts and Humanities.
Dr Emma Trott, Lecturer in Contemporary Literature, University of Leeds (E.J.G.Trott@leeds.ac.uk).