The Digital Humanities Research Hub runs or hosts a range of online and in-person activities, including training workshops, research seminars, summer schools and other collaborative events.
Upcoming Events
Born-Digital Collections, Archives and Memory
Born-Digital Collections, Archives and Memory is an international conference that seeks to further an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral discussion on how the born-digital transforms what and how we research in the humanities. It aims to bring together researchers and practitioners involved in any way in accessing or developing born-digital collections and archives, and interested in exploring the novel and transformative effects of born-digital cultural heritage.
Past Events
Find out more about past events and seminar series, including an archive of recorded seminars.
Other Digital Seminars
We host a range of events with the other Institutes in the School of Advanced Study.
Contact Us
Interested in hosting an event with us? Have questions about an upcoming seminar? Please get in touch!