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We champion arts and humanities research

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The School of Advanced Study is uniquely positioned to advocate for the arts and humanities and their contribution to our culture and society, playing a key role as a major UK national centre supporting these essential disciplines. 

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Institutes & Centres: The School unites eight internationally renowned institutes in the humanities and a number of centres of research excellence and expertise.

Our Institutes & Centres

University of London Press

Innovation and technology in peer review: The case of Living with Machines

This year’s Peer Review Week theme, ‘Innovation and Technology in Peer Review’, has prompted us to reflect on open peer review – an umbrella term for a range of peer review models that build openness and transparency into the process to try to address some of the well-recognised issues with traditional anonymised peer review. Open […]

The post Innovation and technology in peer review: The case of Living with Machines appeared first on University of London Press.

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Did you know that we’re part of the Open Book Collective?

Earlier this year, we were excited to join the Open Book Collective (OBC). The OBC is a charity bringing together open access book publishers, open publishing service providers, and knowledge institutions including libraries. Our shared aim is to deliver a fairer and more sustainable future for open access book publishing which doesn’t rely on Book […]

The post Did you know that we’re part of the Open Book Collective? appeared first on University of London Press.

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