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University of London Press

EVENT: Good metadata practice for open access books webinar

Free training webinar hosted by OABN and OIPA As part of our role within the Open Institutional Publishing Association (OIPA), we are helping to organise this free webinar with the Open Access Books Network. The webinar will feature a panel of expert speakers offering advice and answering questions about metadata for open access books. There […]

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Call for proposals: Humanities Futures book series

We are delighted to announce the details of our exciting new book series, Humanities Futures, and to invite book proposal submissions.  Humanities Futures is a new book series that advocates powerfully for the value of the humanities and their vital role in tackling contemporary society’s most pressing issues.   Our need for the humanities is […]

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New book explores the depiction of libraries in fiction, from Don Quixote to Discworld

Our latest title, Books, Readers and Libraries in Fiction looks at how texts and reading spaces have been represented in popular culture throughout history.  The new book presents chronological essays on the depiction of books, libraries and reading from the medieval period to the present day, drawing from literary history and book studies to examine what fictional […]

The post New book explores the depiction of libraries in fiction, from Don Quixote to Discworld appeared first on University of London Press.

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